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Lumen brings together collections from three libraries : CentraleSupélec, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, and the pharmacy collections of the Université Paris-Saclay. It provides readers with millions of books, journals, and articles in both print and online formats.
The collections available in the reading room are divided into four main disciplinary areas:
- Mathematics, physics, and chemistry
- Engineering and technology sciences
- Humanities, economics, and social sciences: economics, management, languages, design, etc.
- Life sciences, earth sciences, universe, and health
New additions to the collection are primarily selected based on the curriculum and scientific research focus of Lumen's founding institutions. However, new acquisitions may also be made to meet the needs of scientific dissemination, cultural development, and the local community in the Moulon area.
The online resources are shared among the three institutions. You can access all the resources available to you through the libraries here: link to the libraries' resources.
Upon request, a significant portion of the collections is also stored in the Lumen's storage facilities. These valuable collections trace the history of the documentary heritage of Lumen's founding institutions from the late 19th century to the present day.
Lumen also participates in shared preservation plans for the safeguarding of periodical collections, particularly in the field of digital sciences.
Key Figures
- 2 km of collections available in the reading room.
- 7 km of collections stored in the library.
- Nearly 200 journals available in the reading room.
- Thousands of books in the fields of art, comics, and literature.
- Millions of documents available online.